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Posted 8th Jul 2022 by Mathew Smith

Meet Your School Budget With Our Minibus Leasing

1 minute read time

Contract Hire is Cost-Effective

Most schools have tight budgets and can’t afford to buy a minibus outright. Contract hire is the most cost-effective alternative.

Using a minibus for trips helps you stay organised. Unlike travelling in separate cars, it’s much easier to keep everyone together. Minibuses are also much more cost-effective than hiring a coach. If you don’t need to transport more than 17 people, why pay more than you need to?

Because school minibuses need to be checked regularly for safety’s sake, leasing is much more convenient. Our leasing packages include servicing and repairs, so you’ll never have to worry about covering the cost yourselves.

Our minibus leasing offers excellent value for money.

Pick our hire packages and you’ll enjoy a host of benefits. That includes a road fund licence at no additional cost. You’ll also have the support of a team with in-depth knowledge. GM School Minibus is always available to offer advice, customer service and warranty support.

You can also easily choose the length of your contract, whether it’s for 3, 5 or 6 years. The package is at a fixed monthly cost, so you’ll never have to worry about hidden prices. Want to find out more?

Discover more about our school minibus leasing contracts. Or please contact our team for more information.

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