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Posted 20th Mar 2023 by Mathew Smith

Choose A School Minibus Leasing Specialists

1 minute read time

Your Leasing Specialists

Many schools in the UK use school minibus leasing to provide safe and dependable transportation for their students. Leasing a school minibus can provide numerous advantages, ranging from cost savings to increased flexibility, and can be an excellent investment for any school or educational organisation. We are proud here to GM School Minibus to be a leading provider of school minibuses and we have fantastic ranges available from our LITE options through to 10-17 seaters.

Our aim is to ensure that the process of getting the new school minibuses that you need is hassle-free for you. We are here to support throughout the entire process, from viewing, to arranging the leasing agreement and receiving your new vehicles and we know from the previous feedback received, that you won’t be disappointed with opting for us.

If you would like to find out more about the school minibus leasing services we offer, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can call us on 01626 834 333 and we look forward to speaking with you soon. You can also send us a message via our online form and once received, we will reply to you.

Look no further for the leading school minibus leasing specialists!

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