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School minibuses with wheelchair accessibility

Does your school minibus need wheelchair access?
With over 30 years’ experience of building wheelchair accessible school minibuses, we can offer you the best advice and solutions to create your ideal wheelchair accessible school minibus. Our experienced team have helped plan, design and personalise wheelchair accessible school minibuses for years. The first thing to consider will be mode of entry, so view our options for wheelchair accessible school minibuses below.

Wheelchair Access Underfloor Lifts

Underfloor lifts

An underfloor lift is used when the roof height of the wheelchair accessible school minibus is insufficient for an inboard lift or if space is an issue in the rear cabin. The underfloor lift is housed in a cassette beneath the rear of the wheelchair accessible school minibus and is electrically operated by a handheld control pad.

Wheelchair Access Inboard Lift
Inboard lifts

An underfloor lift is used when the roof height of the wheelchair accessible school minibus is insufficient for an inboard lift or if space is an issue in the rear cabin. The underfloor lift is housed in a cassette beneath the rear of the wheelchair accessible school minibus and is electrically operated by a handheld control pad.

Wheelchair Access Wheelchair Ramp
Wheelchair ramp

A ramp offers a cost effective option for infrequent use. Lite2Go™ is a fully Type Approved wheelchair ramp, offering a ramp angle low enough to meet legal requirements and create the ideal wheelchair accessible school minibus.